Halloween is celebrated on October 31st. In this night ghost and witches go around the town. Nobody know the originis of Halloween. What we know is that same people belive that Halloween originated as a Pagan Celtic festival. In this day British people wear dresses and go to parties. Children usually visit hauses and ask "trick or treat?" if the people given't them chocolate or money they play a trick to them. One symbol of Halloween is Jack_ò_Lantern, is pumpkin whit a candle inside that normally people put outside thair hauses.
History of Halloween
The Celts believed that in this night some spirits arrived on the earth and human don't see them. So the Celts built bonfires and danced aroud the fire to frightem them with customs. Is celebreted on 5th November. This night is called "Guy". Because British people get aroud a bonfire to burn a "Guy". Guy was a conspiration of James, that in 1605 triend to murder the king, but he was discoveried and excuted.
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